
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Weekly Update Week 7

Hi everybody this week was super exciting. We did a lot of things we had not done before.

On Thursday ( Yesterday at the time I am posting this ) We did the Science Roadshow thing in the hall and there were all these exhibits and we got to see how they worked and they were really interesting. Before that there were two guys and a lady that went up and showed us all this science like there was this trick where they showed us how the glass of water would not fall off the tray.

This morning we also took part in the Spaghetti Tower building challenge. It was a task where we were in groups of four and we had 20 pieces of dry spaghetti metre of string/wool and a metre of tape and a little bit more at the end. Me and Isla, Dyland and Brooke were in a group together. Our one took a little while to figure out how it would stay up because the marshmallow just kept yeeting off because it was too heavy for the spaghetti. Eventually we found a solution to our marshmallow problem. We used the wool to help the marshmallow stay up but that did not work so we used a thin hair of spaghetti to poke the marshmallow in and at the end when we were about to win somebody ( I think Brooke ) knocked the table and the tape holding the piece of spaghetti that was poked into fell off and landed on the table.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Highlights of Term 3

Hello everyone,
Here is my recap on Term 3, 2019.
Highlights- Production, Market Day, Life Education,Last Winter Sport, 

Lowlights- So many people showed up to the production it was scary. Market Day
was so crowded there were people at every stall.
We ended up losing at the last winter sport game. We came fourth overall not third and we did not end up getting a certificate
because we came fourth.
Lights in the distance- Next term we'll be doing Athletics and I am not sure what
else we will be doing. This term was great and I am looking forward to next term
and the holidays in between. I am planning on making a recycled 2 litre milk bottle
elephant and my own cookies.
See you next term!

Week 9 Weekly Update

Hello Everybody 
This week we did a whole lot of stuff and we were very tired!

Highlight of the week was definitely the Production because it was the most tiring thing that we did this week.My thoughts on it were that it was quite funny and it was not the longest of productions. The production was quite funny because of the songs and all the yelling. All the main characters must have had to learn a lot of lines and now they just have sentences that they will probably never say again stuck  in their head.

I’m looking forward to the holidays because I’m gonna try to sleep in as much as possible because I like to wake up at 6 or after in the morning. Except if I do that I might skip breakfast and I won’t know what the heck the time is if I wake up at lunch time. And after that I will probably play a lot of Minecraft. And run back and forth around the street for Athletics practice which I’m am not looking forward to. And going shopping a lot because I eat a lot.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

1-7 Week Update

30th of August

Hello people

These past few weeks we have done a lot of exciting things to do.
Market Day and the Disco were probably my favourite things overall.
The cool thing about the disco was the people in the hall kitchen had a great selection of things to buy and have fun with while you were there. And if you were thirsty you could buy a drink.

And the next thing I found quite interesting and entertaining was the planting at Mokihi Gardens. I found it entertaining because of we got to learn a bit about these types of plants that we had to plant hundreds of. There were flax bushes and Cabbage Trees and one other that I can not remember the name of. My buddy for it was Isla. We planted around 8 plants me and Isla.

We also had a couple weeks of Cantamaths on Fridays. It was where one person had to run around the hall once in a circle and go to whoever they had to got to.

And Market Day was one of the most exciting things because I had Simon to help me and my Dad to sell our two lots of Ice cream because Isla could not be there to help instead.

Last Week We had another Global Play as well!!
I brought some lego that I got for my birthday and some Action Figures too.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Weekly Update Week 9

This week we had an almost normal week.

We did a Welcoming ceremony in the hall today and that was cool. The only bad thing about it was that it was really cold in the hall and outside the hall. We had a lot of new families go up and get a Bible.

We also had another winter sport game yesterday. You could not really call it ( Winter ) sports because it was quite warm outside yesterday, Also yesterday we did not get to go to Hagley park because our coach was sick.  But we got to play with some of the netball people and that kind of made up for it.

A couple weeks ago we had a spellathon fundraiser that the PTA ran. I might of mentioned this before in another post but the reason I am talking about it now is because apparently the parents gave 9 thousand dollars in to the PTA which is amazing because that is all the children in the schools parents giving in ten or more dollars.

Also about the spellathon we won the massive pizza prize for our class. We will get the pizza on Monday at lunch. The pizza is Hawaiian which I have never tried before.

The last thing is that we had a Sausage Sizzle on Wednesday. I did not get any Sausages but they looked quite yum. A lot of my friends got some like one person got one and two got two of them!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Sparkly Update Week 8


Today we had a "Get your Sparkle On" Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
We listened to a sparkle song and we danced to it, it was really loud and cool.
Lots of people brought sparkly things like Simon brought pom poms and it was hilarious. The whole school is allowed to wear something sparkly or bright. Like bright clothes if they did not have pom poms or tutus or anything like that. It was mainly about having fun and showing your clothes that are sparkly.

We also had another winter sport yesterday on Thursday. It was very cold at Hagley Park. We lost at hockey. Me and Simon dug a hole in the goal and they basically avoided it the whole time. We also found this tennis ball on the field and we named him Henry with a W. We still have him today.

See you next time.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Weekly Update Week 7

Hello everybody, Sorry for the delay on posting, Today I am going to tell you about what happened this week.
This week some cool events happened. Firstly, this school called Middleton Grange came to the hall and they performed some music and singing. It was a bit loud but enjoyable. At the beginning something was wrong with the speakers because it started making this super loud weird noise.

For the Spellathon we think that we won the big PIZZA prize because we are almost completely sure that everybody brought in their fundraising money. First class to bring all their money gets the pizza! One thing I think I have to work on is making my mathematics work tidier so then the teachers can mark it.

This week we started working on our finance business plans in the Batten Team. I am working with Simon and Isla and we called our Business ( The Luck Shop ) and it is going to be really cool! We hope to sell all our products.

See you next time!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Weekly Update Week 4


Hello readers
This week we had a Mary slideshow, and it was really cool because we learnt a lot more about Mary than we did two weeks ago! For instance we learnt that Mary had a baby at the same time as her cousin Elizabeth. Also When Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in they temple it was Simeon. Also this week we had another day of winter sport! It was fun because we were playing hockey and the sun was shining not like last week when it was raining and we could not go. The only bad thing is that we lost three to six it was quite sad. There are eight people in our team including Simon!

Also for inquiry I built a Tuna Townhouse for the eels to hide in and go out to hide from predators.

Also later today some ASB people are going to visit us before the next global play day.

That's all!

                                     Here is my Tuna Townhouse

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Weekly Update 2019


This week was another week full of stuff for us! We read some more of our Fish in a Tree book. We were meant to go to winter sport but it rained so we could not go yesterday. It started raining when we all went outside to listen to the Deputy Headmistress's speech about respect and rules and listening to the coach and a lot of stuff we should listen to.  But the Hockey team did not need to hear it because we did not go to Hagley park.

We are also having Pink Shirt day today!! We took a photo of almost all of us because some of us did not have pink shirts on. Also The Fish in a Tree book started to get really interesting and we are supposed to go on Twitter later this morning to do a quiz about the last few chapters we have read. We are also having another Global Play Day after the School Pink Shirt day photo!

For the Global Play Day I brought my UNO and my perfect condition playing cards; and this stress ball that is shaped like a shark and changes colour when you're hands are hot or cold. So it basically detects your stress. Then after that we are going to do our inquiry and we are finishing the eel action today!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Weekly Update Term 2


Hello this week we did a lot of cool stuff, and it was exhausting!
We did the Catholic sports tournament and we skipped lunch and played hockey for about two hours!

On Wednesday there was Cross Country!
I think I might've come 5th or 6th I do not know.
The Rutherford team got to stay at school until 10 past 10 in the morning.
It went from the Year 7 and 8s to the New entrants run.
Here is a photo of me sprinting after the person in front of me.
The 5 year old's were last to run and it took forever to finish.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

End of term reflection

Hello everybody this is my end of term reflection!

This term we did some really cool stuff. The highlight for me for this term was the Caritas challenge day!  The other stuff we did was really fun as well but the most fun for me was The Caritas Challenge Day.

We did.

  • Spheros
  • Cycle Safety for the Yr 6s
  • Eels trip
  • Science in a van
  • Korfball 
  • Swimming Sports 
  • Phil and Janet's Visit
  • Global Play Day

I loved this term in lots of ways but Spheroes and Caritas challenge day were my favourite. I enjoyed Spheroes a bit more than the Caritas challenge day. Because Mrs O' Neill got out a mat in the shape of a town and we could drive them around on them. Janet and Phil talked a lot to us about what it was like living in South Sudan. And the play days were fun because we were interacting with each other.

I am really looking forward to next term Because we have Cross Country! We have to run just under 3 kilometres.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Holy Week

This week we have been learning about Holy Week and remembering what Jesus went through before he was crucified.

I have learnt that the last Sunday of Lent is now called Passion Sunday not Palm Sunday. This is because it is the Sunday leading up to Passion Week and we are remembering the Passion of our Lord.

This is my learning from the week.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Caritas Challenge Day!

Friday 5th April

Hello everyone. Yesterday we did a Caritas challenge day! The highlight for me was we got to build houses out of cardboard! And then at lunch time we got our bowls out of our bags and formed a queue to get half a bowl of rice. But the only bad thing was that we had to eat it with our hands because we did not get any utensils. It was interesting that the house took so long to finish. But when we did someone would bump the walls and the roof would fall in.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Weekly Update Week 9!

Weekly Update:)

Hello everybody! This week has been so much FUN!!!
We played this game called Korfball!
We played 4 sessions of it!
I was really into it!!
Our Teacher was Youri!

Korfball was really fun because it was basically netball and basketball mixed together but the only thing that was really different was the hoops. They were the same height as a Netball hoop. But they were big and plastic and yellow and thick.

 It was also Mrs O'Donnell's birthday this week.
It was cool because the whole school came out of their classrooms and went to Room 11. And then everybody sang Happy Birthday!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Don the Eel Scientist

Today we went to Room 4 to have a talk with Don the eel scientist!

He worked for a science company and studied the eels the most!

  • Eels can swim backwards.
  • There is a North island version called the Austrailian long fin eels.
  • Long fin eels are fatter that short fin eels.
  • The biggest eel was known to grow to 2 metres long.
  • The ear bone of an eel is used to tell how old a eel is.
  • The ear bone has rings on it and each ring is one year, so you just count the rings and that is how you can tell how old an eel is!
  • The things that look like horns on the edge of the eels face is really its nostrils!
  • Eels have a really good sense of smell. So if you put meat on the edge of the river a eel downstream could smell it.
  • Eels teeth are shaped like arrows but they are backwards. So if you put your finger in ones mouth you would not be able to get it out.
  • They do not have to stay in the water all the time because they breathe through their gills.
  • Eels are really cannibals which means they will eat other eels (cannibals is when they eat meat).
  • When Eels eat they spin 10 times a second!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Missionaries in South Sudan

Today we had two Missionaries (called Phil and Janet) come to our classroom. They talked about a lot of things and here is some of them.

  • South Sudan has no beaches, ut more countries surrounding it. So the closet they can get is to sit by the nile river and eat food. 
  • It has about 65 or 64 languages.
  • There is this thing called dialex, It is basically a different version of one language.  One of them is called Juba Arobic.
  • And in Juba it is really hot. So most people have to get a mat and put it under the shower and then get it wet and sleep on that.
  • And then once you get to sleep you are fine but if you wake up it gets difficult
  • Most people drink 4 or 5 litres of water a day.
  • And the way they get that water from a big truck and then they have to filter it, That water is from the Nile river.
  • The average heat in Juba in daytime was 47 degrees!!!!
  • There is no electricity like power lines.
  • Kids are not encouraged to go to school
  • And there is not a lot of normal toilets like in our houses, There is these holes with a x on it and then you have to squat over the hole.
  • Also they have 220 solar panels.
  • There is also electric fish in the Nile river.
  • They use a stick for a toothbrush.
  • Half of the children in South Sudan do not go to school.
  • The water is very deep in river.
  • The houses are usually up on a hill so that if there are enemy tribes coming they can spot them before they get to close.
  • They use charcoal for cooking instead of ovens.
  • The kids they get scars on their heads to show what tribe they are in.
  • The barber in the barber in the barber shop has s blade.
  • Some schools are in concrete buildings but others could be sometimes under trees.
  • The curly hair that people sometimes get is called weeves.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Learn NZ Web Confrence


Today we had a live chat on Mr Grant's board about water.

I now know that there is such a thing as fossil water, it exists in North Africa and it is deep deep deep underground. And also if we feed our sheep and cows special feed that will make the waterways better.
We also need to have a limit on Rakaia river, It has a minimum flow. We will also never run out of water because of the water cycle will never stop working. Also you can actually turn sea water into fresh water. But it is a very complicated thing and it is also very expensive. It is called desalination.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Green Hat Day!

Friday 15th of March!

Today we had Green Hat Day!

We all had to wear Green Hats.

We had to wear Green Hats to celebrate St Patrick's day. ( Even though St Patricks day is really on Sunday.
Here is a picture of us in our Green Hats!

I am also really looking forward to the next Play day later today!
It is also Raining Cats and Dogs today!

See you next week!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Weekly Update Friday 8th of March

This week it has been SO Amazing!
The highlight for me was our eel field trip on Thursday. And my favourite bit was when we got to dip our hands into this bucket and try and fish out a fish and then try to identify the fish that you caught.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Global Play Day

15 February                  
Global Play Day
It was fun.
We did tons and tons of STUFF!!
I did two things.
I built JENGAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And IT TOOK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was really cool 
were done


Sunday, February 17, 2019

My First Post For 2019!

Kia ora,

Welcome to my Blog! This is where I'll put my work so that you can read it,and comment on it.
Please enjoy,and please comment.

Thanks For Reading,
