
Thursday, April 11, 2019

End of term reflection

Hello everybody this is my end of term reflection!

This term we did some really cool stuff. The highlight for me for this term was the Caritas challenge day!  The other stuff we did was really fun as well but the most fun for me was The Caritas Challenge Day.

We did.

  • Spheros
  • Cycle Safety for the Yr 6s
  • Eels trip
  • Science in a van
  • Korfball 
  • Swimming Sports 
  • Phil and Janet's Visit
  • Global Play Day

I loved this term in lots of ways but Spheroes and Caritas challenge day were my favourite. I enjoyed Spheroes a bit more than the Caritas challenge day. Because Mrs O' Neill got out a mat in the shape of a town and we could drive them around on them. Janet and Phil talked a lot to us about what it was like living in South Sudan. And the play days were fun because we were interacting with each other.

I am really looking forward to next term Because we have Cross Country! We have to run just under 3 kilometres.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Holy Week

This week we have been learning about Holy Week and remembering what Jesus went through before he was crucified.

I have learnt that the last Sunday of Lent is now called Passion Sunday not Palm Sunday. This is because it is the Sunday leading up to Passion Week and we are remembering the Passion of our Lord.

This is my learning from the week.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Caritas Challenge Day!

Friday 5th April

Hello everyone. Yesterday we did a Caritas challenge day! The highlight for me was we got to build houses out of cardboard! And then at lunch time we got our bowls out of our bags and formed a queue to get half a bowl of rice. But the only bad thing was that we had to eat it with our hands because we did not get any utensils. It was interesting that the house took so long to finish. But when we did someone would bump the walls and the roof would fall in.