30th of August
Hello people
These past few weeks we have done a lot of exciting things to do.
Market Day and the Disco were probably my favourite things overall.
The cool thing about the disco was the people in the hall kitchen had a great selection of things to buy and have fun with while you were there. And if you were thirsty you could buy a drink.
And the next thing I found quite interesting and entertaining was the planting at Mokihi Gardens. I found it entertaining because of we got to learn a bit about these types of plants that we had to plant hundreds of. There were flax bushes and Cabbage Trees and one other that I can not remember the name of. My buddy for it was Isla. We planted around 8 plants me and Isla.
We also had a couple weeks of Cantamaths on Fridays. It was where one person had to run around the hall once in a circle and go to whoever they had to got to.
And Market Day was one of the most exciting things because I had Simon to help me and my Dad to sell our two lots of Ice cream because Isla could not be there to help instead.
Last Week We had another Global Play as well!!
I brought some lego that I got for my birthday and some Action Figures too.